People say second chance; I say future steps on learning and growing as a young man everyday.

This season head down Moko, work hard, keep healthy and eat well especially on what you consume not only in the mouth, but also through the ears.. Always strive to have a positive mind from positive people you decide to surround yourself with, look at the true goals you’re working towards and make every opportunity count.

We ain't all perfect in this world but can always strive to be the best version of ourselves.

God bless.

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This kid definitely has some nasty. You need one guy in the group that sets the tone and that nobody f—ks with. That guy becomes a leader who will call out those that aren’t doing what they need to do. This was a very astute pick up and Coach Anae is a smart dude.

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This might be a controversial opinion, but I like that Wilcox is rolling the dice on strong talents that had issues elsewhere. If he can manage these people (and that’s a big if) he gets a much higher ceiling. I think Wilcox is betting big on next season, and that’s exactly what he should be doing.

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I completely agree, like the gamble. Coaches and team culture play a pivotal role in shaping these young men, both on and off the field. The environment they’re immersed in can significantly influence their character development—for better or worse.

It does seem like Texas A&M may have faced some challenges in that area, at least in 2023. The article about his arrest points out that he was the third player on the team to face legal trouble that September alone. https://www.kbtx.com/2023/10/01/texas-am-football-player-arrested-charges-violating-protection-order/?outputType=amp

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Instead of "crowded" offensive line room, I'd say "necessarily filling up" offensive line room.

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His stated offenses consist of violations of a restraining order involving going to a bar, sticking his tongue out and making some phone calls. All pretty minor on their own, but of course the real question, not addressed at all, is why there was a restraining order in the first place.

Anyway, hope he can grow, learn, and atone if needed in Berkeley. Go Bears!

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Welcome! Grow and learn, which is what I try to do - sometimes without success, but gotta keep trying!

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We also just got an edge rusher from UW.

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Sometimes character needs to be shaped with high expectations. I presume our coaching staff has done their due diligence on this issue.

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I certainly hope so

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I don't know about this.

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He has a second chance and I assume a short leash. You can never have enough linemen. Maybe Cal is his last chance U…

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Here’s to second chances!

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I agree! Though many here probably have a harder time with Rolo joining Cal, as he shouldn't be given an opportunity because he failed to be progressive enough in his covid views.

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He was willing to sue his university over them enforcing him to follow state law on vaccinations. It has nothing to do with being progressive or not, he didn't have the knowledge of where his rights stood legally nor the tact to navigate it in the public platform that is his profession.

Generally, no university would want to hire anyone who has a history of suing his employer for the sole purpose of making it a giant public embarrassment.

That said, I hope he learned from his mistakes.

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This happens in corporate world too btw

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Jan 7Edited

Wow...Wilcox is all in...Anae getting dogs that bite. Just stay away from the alcohol young man and you'll be fine. Next year going to be real fun or real bad...:)

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