Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

I don’t think it can hurt but I doubt it would be much help. The Wisconsin offense was steadily declining under Chryst. I believe Wisconsin was held to 2 yards rushing last week against…checks notes…Illinois.

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need Sonny Dykes as a consultant.

in what world can I get Wilcox as DC, Dykes as OC or one of them as head coach under the other.

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Tedford with Dykes as his OC and Wilcox as his DC would have been fantastic.

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Wilcox as HC, with Sean McVay as OC and Bill Belichick as DC. Anything less just proves that Knowlton is accepting mediocrity.

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Saban as HC, Lincoln Riley as his OC, Kirby Smart as his DC.

That’s the all star CFB coaching holy trinity.

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Add in a guy named Kyle Whittingham. Pound for pound, I think he is the best coach in the nation. I am predicting his defense will throttle DTR in that Saturday game at the Rose Bowl.

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Jim Tressel at HC, Urban Meyer as OC, Pete Carroll as DC.

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I don't know if Berkeley has the bars with undergrads to support this coaching group

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Maybe we need our own Epstein Island? Maybe Anel Island? ;)

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Would take Tedford as OC

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Can't believe no one is pointing out that to suggest Musgrave needs help, is hard to imagine going well. Musgrave, despite his struggles here, has the NFL bona fides above Chryst. Musgrave seems a humble guy, but what control would he relinquish? What we need is a new OL coach ASAP. And we need a play caller and O coach who can get his QB to make the right reads, per Rugbear's comments. Adding Chryst wouldn't make sense unless he is an old O line coach and you fire Angus. Wilcox is right that he has plenty of Offensive brainpower on staff. The problem is, the results show that the impact of this brainpower is poor. So what do you do? We are looking for Wilcox to show bold leadership, somehow.

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

There has been a precipitous decline in the Wisconsin offense the past 3 seasons…it is eerily similar to what is going on in Berkeley.

No. Just please, no.

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I really appreciated the slant of this, rather than what might have been the familiar refrain of “Might (insert Cal HC name here) be cherry-picked by (insert college HC opening here)?

Thank you!

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We need a different offense than Whiskey mostly cuz they have OL that can block and we don't. Beside we already have a Chryst on staff. Why not have the Chryst we have call the offense? He's the TE coach and may actually use them. I would demote Musgrave during this bye week. Fire Angus and pick up some interim OL coach from somewhere anywhere doesn't matter.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

If he'll consult for cheap then, sure, why not? Worst we'd be out is money (not that we have much to throw around). Can't imagine him making our offense worse.

Basically, we need to be an actual good football team to pay our bills and he'd be of higher caliber than most available help. Wisconsin is bad this year in a lot of similar ways to us but maybe we'll have some different pieces he'll know what to do with. Maybe even find a way to make our backup QB not look terrible and use our TEs better since those are his two main areas. And maybe he'll help our B1G case (or, more likely, not).

Tl;dr he probably won't fix our problems (especially the OL) but might be a cheap enough investment to give a shot before starting from scratch yet again and spending even more on buyouts.

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LOL.....you had to know you were going to get these responses with both the Wisconsin and the Cal offenses in a moribund state over the weekend. Wisconsin got out-rushed 137-2 and had their quarterback sacked five times in their weekend beat-down against Illinois. They are obviously missing more than just Jonathan Taylor.

A good question to ask is what Power 5 program runs a ball control, conservative pro style offense and is having great success with it this year.

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Michigan, Penn State, and Georgia come to mind.

Alabama has even opened up their offense over the last 5 years and been less conservative and ball control.

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Again, teams loaded with NFL players across the offense.

A pro style, ball control offense can work when you have pro caliber players executing pro caliber plays. We have none of those in the equation, which leads me beat the drum for some kind of gimmick O.

Also, legit question: why doesn’t Musgrave run more play action, especially with teams loading up to stop Ott? Instead he goes shotgun, often times with empty back…WTF is he even trying to do?

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Reminds me of pick-up games in Junior High.

QB: "Okay, you and you, get open. You and you, block. Hike, hike."

*Three alligator rush

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Yes, totally agree. Some quirky thing that we could perfect the execution of, and which is somewhat uncommon so other teams have a harder time prepping for

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Like a fake FG and a toss to Jackson Bouza?

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Don’t follow Wisconsin football that much, but from what I remember, they don’t exactly light it up with a creative offense.

More like a run-heavy, control the clock O with a strong D (sounds like something in Wilcox’s wheelhouse though).

Just think we need to get a more expansive offensive mind to at least try to change things up next year.

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I always thought Paul Chryst was perhaps the most underrated coach in college football. Look at his track record at Wisconsin. He won 70% of his games at the end of his tenure and won 6 out of 7 bowl games. That’s hard to do. Unfortunately, his offenses fizzled out the last few years and they became one-dimensional. Having said that, I don’t see why bringing him on as a consultant could hurt at all. He has familiarity with Wilcox and his brother is on staff. Chryst always had solid running backs at Wisconsin and with ott as our star RB, he could add some additional pointers to get the running game going again.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Fly on The Wall: ....

Musgrave: "He's gonna' what?"

JW: "Help you with offense."

Musgrave: "@&^$#&^&"

JW: "You know that most alumni and Bear Backers want me to fire you. I mean there's a mountain of pressure on me."

Musgrave: "Oh, how soon can Chryst get here?"

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RemovedOct 5, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022
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If he needs to teach his brother, a TE coach, how to teach blocking to TEs, then Geep shouldn’t have a job. And bc he is still employed just shows how poorly Wilcox has done with his offensive staff hires.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

We're spending collectively millions of dollars on re-treads who are in the twilight of their careers and have lost energy and innovative ability. Cal's not a bad gig, you can go three-and-out most of the time and still keep your job.

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All of Wilcox’s offensive staff hires are really good, they just need some more professional training and each needs their own consultant to help them.

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Imagine if your staff of executives when you are the CEO of a firm each required a consultant to do their jobs. Might as well hire McKinsey to help right-size the business. The Cal staff needs pruning and a fresh energy infusion. The Musgrave hire was about as effective as Art Kaufman under Sonny.

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Anybody is better than Buh

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We should replace Musgrave with Buh. Nobody was better than Buh at generating yards and points in Berkeley.

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