Trivia Thursday: Can you pick the correct Cal sports facility?
When you run 28 varsity sports you need plenty of buildings for competitive events

Can you pick the correct Cal sports facility?
Sure, I’m guessing you all know where basketball and football play their home games. But do you know all eight buildings where Cal sports will (hopefully) resume playing some wonderful day in the future? And do you know ALL of the sports that play at each facility? Here’s a little hint: many of them host more than one team.
So take a stab. Maybe if everybody likes this one I’ll think about doing a quiz where you have to identify campus buildings and you can relive your memories of trying to find office hours in Dwinelle Hall.
Can you name the correct Cal football opponent?

Multiple choice quizzes make for a big results page - I actually cut off the top answer, which was a criminally easy question about a memorable win over Stanford. Some of the results surprised me, most of all a question about Jared Goff’s final home game in 2015, though I suppose the question was phrased in a misleading way as those Cal teams fell behind and came back in half their wins.
For those curious - yes, Cal did regularly play the Olympic Club back in the 20s, though they weren’t the team that Andy Smith sent back to the Stone Age, 127-0.
By far my favorite question was a reference to one of the most amusing bits of Cal history. I often joke about how Cal always manages to play non-conference opponents when they have their pants down, and that was never more true than when Tom Holmoe rubbed Oklahoma’s face in it.

For whatever reason this quiz has been the most popular so far in terms of total plays, already edging out quizzes that have been published for weeks. Maybe it was easy to do multiple times? Maybe you just like reminiscing about wonderful Cal football wins* from the past? Regardless, most folks settled in the 10-11 questions right range, as this was another quiz that was easy to do OK in but hard to get perfect.
*Sorry about including that loss to Oregon State in the quiz, but man Cal really doesn’t have any memorable wins over the Beavers. It’s unremarkable blowout wins and painful, horrible, soul-wrenching defeats all the way down.
This one was hard outside of the big ones. 43% yikes.
Isn't Swimming & Diving at Legends now?